About me

Hi, I am Veerle.

I have been in love with photography ever since I got my hands on a disposable camera. When I tried to take pictures of the first ever concert I went to, non of them turned out the way I experienced the concert and little did I know that that would ignite a passion that still lasts to this day. I want to capture photos that give the same feeling as you had in the moment, whether it is during a concert, a backstage moment or a wedding.

I’ve honed my photography skills over the years working with amazing people from the the jazz, pop and classical music worlds. Among which are the: Jong Metropole, Cello Biënnale, Nationaal Jeugdorkest (NJO), Jeugdorkest Nederland (JON), Dekoor, Muziekzomer Gelderland, Nederlands Studenten Jazz Orchestra (NSJO), Nederlands Studenten Orkest (NSO), VU-Orkest, UvA-Orkest J.Pzn Sweelinck, Utrechtsch Studenten Concert (USC), Utrechtse Studenten Big Band, Studenten Big Band Nijmegen en the Nationaal Muziekinstrumenten Fonds.

Photo by Milagro Elstak
